Select Tennessee Site Certification Program

Client: ​Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development

Location: Tennessee

Project Overview


Services Provided

  • Location Consulting.
  • Planning.



Using the same principals used in evaluating sites for corporate clients, Austin Consulting worked with the Tennessee ECD to develop a stringent set of certification requirements.

To streamline the process and ensure that sites were subjected to the appropriate environmental due diligence, partnerships were formed with key environmental regulatory agencies, such as the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. These agencies investigated and documented environmental conditions, archaeological sites, protected species and jurisdictional waters.

Fifty-four (54) sites throughout the state have been certified under the program to-date. Site sizes range from 20 to 840 acres.

Key minimum requirements for Select Tennessee sites include:

  • 20 or more contiguous developable acres.
  • A confirmed asking price from a willing seller.
  • Evidence of clear title.
  • Documented acreage outside known flood prone areas.
  • Property boundary or ALTA survey.
  • Topographic survey (min. 2’ contour intervals).
  • Truck quality road access.
  • All utilities (adequate capacities) at the site or a formal plan to extend to the site within a reasonable time frame.
  • Current zoning in place or an expedited rezoning plan.
  • Documented permitting process, timeline and fees.
  • A recent Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.
  • Preliminary geotechnical study.
  • Documentation of water resources, known cultural resources, and protected species.
  • Roadway next to a grass field
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