In the Rear-view Mirror and on the Horizon – 2020 & 2021
I do not recall a year discussed, explored, dissected, and analyzed more than 2020. It seems it is drowning out the look ahead to 2021 and what the New Year will bring. Most of what you hear is gloom and doom, despair, and fear. Yes, it has been a tough year, especially if you are a healthcare provider or work in the travel/...
January 6, 2021 by Michael G. Pierce
The Austin Company Is a 2020 NorthCoast 99 Award Winner
September 13, 2020 by Tamara Zupancic
The Powerful Influence of Organizational Story Makers
In his book, Start with Why, Simon Sinek likens businesses to the brain. The “why” a company exists correlates with the limbic brain, that part of the brain that controls emotions, feelings, and decision making, but it has no capacity for language, which is why some say, “it felt right” or “my gut instinct”.
June 3, 2020 by Michael G. Pierce